The following list includes references cited in the text of the manual, and also those cited in the appendices that follow.
1. Wilson, E.B. Jr., "An Introduction to Scientific Research", originally published by McGraw-Hill, New York, NY (1952) 375pp. Now available from Dover Publications Inc., Mineola, NY.
2. "On Being a Scientist", Committee on Science, Engineering and Public Policy, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, Second Ed., National Academy Press, Washington DC (1995) 27pp.
3. Broad, W., and Wade, N., Betrayers of the Truth - Cases of fraud in the idealized world of science Equinox May/June 1983 pp85-94.
4. Burke, J.E., Administration of Research, Development, and Implementation Activities in Highway Agencies, NCHRP Synthesis of Highway Practice No 113, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC (1984) 49pp.
5. Reilly, E.F., Managing Contract Research Programs, NCHRP Synthesis of Highway Practice No. 231, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC (1996) 92pp.
6. Beach, D.P. and T.K.E. Alvager, "Handbook for Scientific and Technical Research", Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ (1992) 255pp.
7. Redelmeier, D. and A. Tversky, On the belief that arthritis pain is related to the weather, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, Washington DC, Vol. 93, Psychology (1996) pp2895-2896.
8. Guide for Developing a State Transportation Research Manual, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC (June, 1996).
9. Facilitating and Expediting Technology Transfer, NHI Course No. 42015, Publication No FHWA-HI-94-041, Federal Highway Administration, Washington DC (1994).
10. Bikson, T.K., S.A. Law, M. Markovich and B.T. Harder, Facilitating the Implementation of Research Findings: A Summary Report, NCHRP Report 382, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC (1996) 18pp.
11. Williams, D., Performance Evaluation Mechanisms for Transportation Research Programs, Synthesis of Practice No. 4, Transportation Association of Canada, Ottawa, ON, (1996) 30 pp.
12. Tukey, J.W., "Exploratory Data Analysis", Addison Wesley Longman Inc., Reading, MA (1977) 688pp.
13. Hocking, R.R., Methods and Applications of Linear Models: Regression and the Analysis of Variance, John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, NY (1996) 731pp.
14. The Chicago Manual of Style, 14th Ed., University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL (1993)
15. Kenny, M.F., Presenting Yourself, A Kodak How-to Book John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, NY (1982) 75pp.
16. Kendall, M.G. and W.R. Buckland, A Dictionary of Statistical Terms, Third Ed., Longman Group Ltd., London, UK, (1971) 166pp.
17. Glossbrenner, A., The Little Online Book Peachpit Press, Berkeley, CA (1995) 426pp.
18. Griffin, L.I. III, Engineers Guide to Program and Product Evaluation, Report No. FHWA-SA-93-028, Federal Highway Administration, Washington DC (1990) 89pp.
19. Blicq, R.S., Technically - Write!, Fourth Ed., Prentice-Hall Canada Inc., Scarborough, ON (1992) 410pp.
20. Peirce, 1878. How to make our ideas clear. Popular Science Monthly, 12, 286-302.