The information gathered as part of this research has been assembled into a Decision Support Tool that can be used to identify potential solutions to the fragmentation of both terrestrial and aquatic (non-fish) resources. Terminology associated with habitat fragmentation and suggestions for ways to integrate consideration of habitat fragmentation into the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process are presented in the decision support tool, as well as a Habitat Fragmentation Decision Guide.
Section III of the decision support tool contains three subsections that present the background, guidance, and potential mitigation solutions that can be adopted to address habitat fragmentation impacts.
Subsection A provides background information on habitat fragmentation and definitions for some of the key terms used in the memo and in the flow charts.
Subsection B presents a flow chart titled General Considerations for Habitat Fragmentation Assessment and Mitigation Needs by Highway Improvement Type which outlines steps to consider prior to selection of habitat fragmentation mitigation solutions for different transportation project types: New construction, Reconstruction and Rehabilitation. The state DOT survey results indicated that these are the most common project types where habitat fragmentation and connectivity issues are addressed. The basic steps in the chart reflect current transportation agency practice as obtained from the state DOT interviews and additional research.
Subsection C provides further guidance for projects that involve new construction that may involve multiple alternate alignments. The section includes a flow chart on Habitat Fragmentation Assessment within the NEPA Planning Process which provides key considerations for conducting a habitat fragmentation assessment within the project scoping, alternatives analysis, and record-of-decision/permitting process. Brief descriptions and potential sources of additional information are provided for each step in the habitat fragmentation assessment procedure.
A flow chart titled Conceptual Framework for a Habitat Fragmentation Decision Guide along with descriptive text is provided to explain each step in the process of evaluating potential fragmentation impacts leading to the selection of potential mitigation solutions for each alternative.
This section also presents a summary of Mitigation Solutions for habitat fragmentation in a table format using connectivity solutions and patch (habitat) solutions that have been successfully implemented or used by transportation agencies. A brief discussion of the organization of the summary table and information sources is also provided.