C. Avoidance & Compensation Interviews, continued

2. Results Summary

As explained previously, the interview questions were grouped into three categories:

  • Avoidance during Statewide and Regional Planning
  • Avoidance during Project Planning
  • Compensation

While a full write-up of each interview can be found in Appendix C, below are some of the highlights from the phone interviews in each of the three categories. When considering each state DOT's current methods for avoiding and/or compensating for habitat fragmentation it is helpful to bear in mind the type of roadway project that is currently the most common in each state. The table below shows the type of projects indicated by the state to be most common at the time these interviews were conducted. A table is also presented at the end of the summary to aid in order to provide an overview of the avoidance and compensation interview results.

Table 1- Common Types of Roadway Projects:

State Most common type of roadway project
AR Capacity improvements
IN New alignments, major projects
MD System preservation/maintenance
NH Safety and intersection improvements
NY Safety improvements/maintenance
OR Preservation/ maintenance
TX New projects and rehabs


Go to 3. Avoidance During Statewide & Regional Planning