Box 3.0 Habitat Fragmentation Summary Chart (includes results from 1.1A, 1.3A, and 2.1A): for each alternative, a summary of Habitat Fragmentation impacts, avoidance and minimization measures should be prepared. For each alternative, the summary will include Terrestrial Habitat Network impacts/mitigation (1.1A); Aquatic Habitat Network impacts/mitigation (1.3A) and Patch impacts/mitigation (2.1A) should be totaled.
Develop a comparative matrix for all alternatives. The comparative matrix should include but not be limited to:
Select preferred alternative based on habitat fragmentation impacts/mitigation costs (preliminary)
Alternatives should be compared to determine the least damaging alternative. Impacts, minimization measures, and mitigation measures should be considered in the comparison. Preliminary costs are also a factor in determining the preferred. If the preferred alternative based on habitat fragmentation analysis is the same as the NEPA-preferred alternative, the practitioner should design final mitigation plan as part of the permitting of the project.
In some cases the NEPA-preferred alternative may differ from the preferred identified by the habitat fragmentation analysis. A final mitigation plan will be developed for the NEPA-preferred alternative after the Record of Decision and simultaneously with permitting. Designing mitigation plans will be developed as part of Task 4.0.
go to Section 5